Application to use an Army emblem

Approval must be granted by the Army Brand Manager before using an Australian Army emblem. Applications are assessed on a case-by-case basis. No blanket or continuous approvals are granted.

To apply for permission to use an emblem, read the advice on using Army emblems and complete the online application form below. Application processing can take up to 4 weeks.

For additional information email the Army Brand Manager at

Fields marked with * are mandatory.

Applicant details

Application details
The Army Brand Manager is required to verify military service prior to approval for use on a personal memorial.
Please provide as much detail as possible including full name, service number, date of birth and period of service (if known).
Supporting documentation such as enlistment or discharge papers can be provided to verify military service.
Samples should include any diagrams or descriptions of the proposed usage of the emblem(s).
Provide any additional details that may support the application.

Pattern details
