Address to 2nd Division Functional Command Parade

16 July 2022

Governor of NSW, Her Excellency, The Honourable Margaret Beazley

COMD 2 Div, MAJGEN David Thomae

Army’s General’s and senior Defence members.


Distinguished guests, families and friends.

Soldiers and officers of the 2nd Division

May I begin by acknowledging the Bidigal and Gadigal people of Eora Nation, the traditional custodians of this land on which we gather today, and pay my respects to their elders, past, present and emerging.

I would also like to pay my respects to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men and women who have contributed to the defence of Australia in times of peace and war.

Raised during the First World War, throughout its history, the 2nd Division has always risen to the challenge of the time – serving our nation.

The 2nd Division currently commands the Brigades of our Army’s Part-Time Force as well as the Regional Force Surveillance Group across our vast North.

Indeed, it’s fantastic to see each of these formations and units represented here today by the respective soldiers, commanders and RSMs.

You represent those whom have gone before, you serve our nation today, and you blaze the path for those whom will serve in the 2nd Division of tomorrow.

Today’s parade marks the next chapter in the Division’s history as our Army evolves to ensure we remain ready now and be prepared to meet the demands of the future.

Today we mark a change to the 2nd Division’s command and control as part of the enhancement of command and control across Army.

We recognise the important transition of the Australian Army’s 2nd Division to an independent and vital functional command of Army.

These changes improve the 2nd Division’s readiness, scalability and resilience, and improve its capacity to achieve its mission.

They are an expression of the trust and confidence that I, Army, and ADF senior leadership have in soldiers of the 2nd Division.

The 2nd Division’s mission is to generate land capabilities for the Joint Force, and command assigned Contingency Response Forces from across the Australian Defence Force to meet directed domestic operational requirements.

Like other parts of our Army you are always on, delivering operational effects or training for contingencies every day.

And you do it as a predominately part-time force.

Many of you and your units have been the face of our Army in the community for the past two years - throughout bushfires, the COVID-19 pandemic, and floods.

You have always been there when our communities need us, across our nation.

As your Chief of Army, I thank you sincerely for your hard work, dedication and professionalism.

I could not be more proud of you.

But for now, it is time for us to refocus and rebuild our operational readiness – specifically for those missions that Army contributes to the Joint Force and that only

Army can do.

Warfighting on the land.

I know that many of you balance family, civilian employment, and service to your communities in other ways.

In doing so, you exemplify the notion of service, service to our nation.

You do all this to ensure Australia’s interests are supported at home and abroad.

It is remarkable, and I thank you, your families, your communities and your employers for their enduring support in all that our Army does.

Today’s parade is a significant milestone for 2nd Division and for our Army.

But perhaps most pointedly, it is for the 11,500 soldiers of 2nd Division, whose continued dedication to our purpose, commitment and adaptability are the foundation of Army’s success.

Congratulations 2nd Division.

Good Soldiering.


